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Between 2005 and 2009, After-Dinner released electronic music online encouraging free exchange between consumer and producer. For DJs and home listeners, the netlabel is a source for new and exciting electronic dance music.
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Elbows, one of the pioneering music blog aggregators, will shut down at the end of November. It's been around since 2005.
They wrote a note outlining their history and explaining their decision to call it quits:
"With a heavy heart, however, we feel it’s time to turn off the bot. It’s not an easy decision, but a few factors have proven hard to overcome. We get more DMCA notices these days than ever before (mostly regrading photos, believe it or not) and our advertising has dried up. Google doesn’t appreciate our aggregation as it once did."
They added, "Thanks again for all of your support and we hope to see you in future ventures."
Welcome to the 10th edition of Famous For 15mb, a space for deserving artistic talent.
Music Distribution and events in Benelux - Musique pas trop chère et SANS DRM
Downhill Battle is a non-profit organization working to support participatory culture and build a fairer music industry.