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La Quadrature du Net a souhaité partager des œuvres [sous copyleft] avec les membres du Parlement européen et leurs assistants, avant le vote sur ACTA, afin de leur montrer l'urgente nécessité de réformer le droit d'auteur.
- Books - Reform copyright
- Sharing - Culture and the Economy in the Internet Age, by Philippe Aigrain
- Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, by Lawrence Lessig
- The Future of Ideas, by Lawrence Lessig
- Free Culture, by Larence Lessig
- Remix, by Lawrence Lessig
- The Wealth of Networks, by Yochai Benkler
- The Charter for Innovation, Ceativity, and Access to Knowledge
- FCF How-To for Sustainable Creativity in the Digital Era
- HADOPI's findings on "Monthly expenses for cultural goods" (2011 - French)
- Answer to the Creative Content Consultation, by La Quadrature du Net
- Movies
- RIP!: A Remix Manifesto, by Brett Gaylor
- Steal This Film, by The League of Noble Peers
- Copying is not Theft, by Nina Paley
- Star Wars Uncut
- Can I Get an Amen, by Nate Harrison
- Music
- The Grey Album, by Danger Mouse
- All Day, by Girl Talk
- Feed The Animals - Girl Talk
- Night Ripper - Girl Talk
- Steinski's Rough Mix